Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I love spending time at the ocean.......
there is just something about the size,
the sound, the beauty, the strength -
all things that make me think of the Lord
and how HE has all things in the palm of
His hand.
All things - including me.
One of the things about being 50+ is that
you start to think about how fast life has
gone by, how your goals have been met,
and now....what is next?
As a young girl, I could not wait to:
get married
have a family
be a secretary (actually, be a school secretary)
be a grandmother
and now....it seems
that other than retiring....there aren't alot
of goals left on my list.
Sooooo, what does the Lord have in store for me?
My heart's desire is to be a blessing to Him -
to be a faithful, growing, serving Christian.
On this late, SNOWY April evening,
My goal for this moment - will be to focus on being
a godly wife, mom, grandmom, worker
and to leave the rest in HIS hands.
Afterall -
HE has done a good job of being in control
of the universe; He surely can handle my
little corner of the world.


Shelly said...

i love you madre! enjoy some of that quiet time for me!!

Carol said...

Congrats Denise on a new grandbaby!!!!!!!

Carol said...

2 more grandbabies!!!!! woo hoo. We are a 30 minute drive to the Metro station. Driving in isn't that easy. I love the train!